
Monday, November 16, 2009

TCL number convertion

# Assigning values to variables #

set decimal_number 17
set hexa_number D3
set binary_number 1011001

# Convertion of decimal number to hexa decimal #

set decimal_to_hex [format %x $decimal_number]
puts "The hexa equivalent of $decimal_number is : $decimal_to_hex"

# Convertion of hexa number to decimal format #

set hex_to_decimal [format %d 0x$hexa_number]
puts "The decimal equivalent of 0x$hexa_number is : $hex_to_decimal"

# Convertion of decimal to binary format #

proc int2bits {i} {
binary scan [binary format I1 $i] B* x
return [split [string trimleft $x 0] {}]

set decimal_to_binary [int2bits $decimal_number]
puts "The binary equivalent of $decimal_number is : $decimal_to_binary"

# Convertion of binary to decimal format #

proc bits2int {bits} {
set bits [format %032s [join $bits {}]]
binary scan [binary format B* $bits] I1 x
return $x

set binary_to_decimal [bits2int $decimal_to_binary]
puts "The decimal equivalent of $decimal_to_binary is : $binary_to_decimal"

# Convertion of hexa to binary format #

proc hex2bin {hex} {
binary scan [binary format H* $hex] B* bin
return $bin

set hexadecimal_to_binary [hex2bin $hexa_number]
puts "The binary equivalent of $hexa_number is : $hexadecimal_to_binary"

# Convertion of binary to hexa format #

proc 4bit_bin2hex {bin} {

# This procedure converts 4 bit binary to its corresponding hexa decimal number

set pattern {
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
0011 3
0100 4
0101 5
0110 6
0111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 A
1011 B
1100 C
1101 D
1110 E
1111 F
return [string map -nocase $pattern $bin]
}; #end of proc

proc bin2hex {str} {

# This procedure selects the 4-bit binary number in LSB from the provided string

set hex ""
set len [string length $str]
while {1} {
if { $len>4} {
set hex "[4bit_bin2hex [string range $str end-3 end]]$hex"
set str [string range $str 0 end-4]
set len [string length $str]
} else {
set hex "[4bit_bin2hex [format %04d $str]]$hex"
}; #end of if-else

}; #end of while

return $hex
}; #end of proc

set binary_to_hexadecimal [bin2hex $binary_number]puts "The hexa equivalent of $binary_number is : $binary_to_hexadecimal"

######################################################## OUTPUT

The hexa equivalent of 17 is : 11
The decimal equivalent of 0xD3 is : 211
The binary equivalent of 17 is : 1 0 0 0 1
The decimal equivalent of 1 0 0 0 1 is : 17
The binary equivalent of D3 is : 11010011
The hexa equivalent of 1011001 is : 59